

   2023-06-16 988
核心提示:Paul BreitenbecherCEO, Breiten Associates LLC报告题目:False positive, negative, and unexpected Drug Testing Results in
       Paul Breitenbecher

CEO, Breiten Associates LLC

    报告题目:False positive, negative, and unexpected Drug Testing Results in the Urine Toxicology Laboratory |



In 1995 I co-authored a  short article entitled “False-positive Immunoassay Results for Urine Benzodiazepine in Patients Receiving Oxaprozin (Daypro)”. This was published when rapid urine drug screening test methods were first becoming available. The laboratory community was starting to realize that not all assays can be tested for all of the thousands of drugs, substances or endogenous compounds that may potentially cause result errors. 

There are false positive, false negative and unexpected patient urine drug test results that occur in the Urine Toxicology laboratory. 

How does one research these results and assist the clinician in helping to assess these results to treat their patient?

Unexpected urine drug test results can occur during any phase of the testing process; however, the most common usual results occur  during the pre- analytical or patient collection phase. During this phase patients can provide “fake” urine, take substances that can affect the testing method, or they can adulterate/dilute their urine specimen.

Depending on the screening test method used, the test method can be impacted by a variety of substances that can produce either false negative, false positive or usual results. Screening results can also be different than the confirmation results making interpretation of patient results even more confusing.

During this presentation we will review a basic screening test method and confirmation method. And discuss some of these unexpected urine drug test results. 


Paul Breitenbecher在罗得岛大学、康涅狄格大学、杜肯大学等高校进修了研究生课程,曾在哈佛先锋医学中心、诺华生物医学研究院、病理实验室公司(Inform Diagnostics,原名Miraca Life Sciences Inc.)等知名医学机构和企业的实验室从事管理工作。现任Breiten Associates LLC公司的首席执行官,为临床实验室和CRO领域的科研人员提供采购、咨询等方面的技术支持。

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