

品牌: 232
单价: 5600.00元/
发货期限: 自买家付款之日起 天内发货
所在地: 全国
有效期至: 长期有效
最后更新: 1970-01-01 08:00
浏览次数: 72
HK6200 价格price ----------- 5600元 配置deployment ---托架、排水软管bracket and soft drainpipe ▲ 工作频率 Operating Frequency -----------50KHz ▲ 消耗功率 Consume Power ------------280W ▲ 容量 Capacity -------------10.5L ▲ 槽内尺寸 Volume of Cleaning Tank ------- 500×140×150 ▲ 外形尺寸 Dimensions ---------- 550×183×300 ▲ 数字定时 Digital Timer ------------- (1-99)min ▲ 排水阀 Water discharging valve A    在清洗器工作之前先放入清洗溶液和网架,把被洗工件置于网架上,这种操作方式才是有效和安全的。   The safe and effective way is to put in cleaning liquor and meshwork frame, then put the workpiece on the frame before turning on the cleaner. B   高频具有很强的穿透性,对于不可避免的使用腐蚀性溶液、易燃易爆溶液或清洗细小物件,可以放在烧怀中再置于清洗槽内进行。这种间接清洗有着与直接清洗同样的效果。   High frequency has strong penetrability While unavoidably using caustic, combustible and explosive liquor or cleaning fine work-piece, the workpiece could be put into a beaker which is then put into the cleaning trough. Such indirect cleaning has the same effect as direct cleaning. C   高频具有很强的渗透性,使混合、脱气、脱泡、分散及提取更快速,更充分。   High frequency has powerful permeability which leads to faster and better effect of mixing, degasifying, de-foaming, detracting and abstraction. D   当烧怀被水浮起而无法固定时,您可选用烧杯固定架,并可多个烧杯同时工作。   When the beakers float, you can use a fix-ing stand which is able to handle several beakers at one time E   无比贴心的1.5米排水软管标准配置为您解决了仪器远离排水槽的烦恼,以人为本尽显其中。   A user-friendly standard deployment of 1.5 meter soft drainpipe takes care of you concerns that the instrument is far from the trough F   50KHz兼顾高频、低频的特点,用于清洗玻璃容器,效果更佳。本型号是为那些细长形状的物件量身定制的高效清洗器,尤其适用于清洗滴管等与其类似的清洗件。   The 50KHz machine, which covers both high frequency and low frequency, is effect-tive oncleaning glass containers. This model is particularly designed for slender goods and especially applicable for cleaning burette and the other similar goods. G   提供各种配件供您选购,为您解决不同的应用所需。   Various spare parts are available for your particular applications
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