爱色丽 X-Rite ColorChecker Mini Gray Balance迷你版灰平衡卡
名称:X-Rite ColorChecker Mini Gray Balance
灰卡在数码相机上的应用1.决定白平衡时,拿出灰卡,让相机的取景器充满整个画面,不同的相机有不同的设定方式,但大多是进入“自定白平衡模式”对标准灰卡的白面,拍摄一张相片,DC便会得知在该光线条件下,什么才是”白色”。2.决定曝光值时,请使用灰面,如果有反射式测光表时,可以测光表的值做参考(测光表请贴近灰卡),可以改变焦距,令其拍摄范围涵盖灰卡。灰卡的其它作用1.在摄影棚的多灯作业中,可以决定主副灯的照明比。 2.可以简单地用来判断相机的色彩平衡。
ColorChecker Mini Gray Balance card is a pocket size version of the 18% Gray reference square used in the standard 24-patch ColorChecker. This Gray is scientifically engineered to provide a precise uniform surface that is spectrally neutral (reflects equal amounts of red, blue and green) in all types of light conditions. The photographer can now have confidence that the camera抯 raw image is as close to real life as possible.
ColorChecker Mini Gray Balance gives photographers a way to adjust the digital camera’s color sensitivity to exactly match the ambient lighting conditions, in effect, change what that the camera 搒ees.?nbsp; The perceived color of white often changes based on ambient conditions - outdoor it is perceived to be cooler, indoor it is perceived to be warmer and under fluorescent light it is perceived to be greener. Even in a controlled studio environment, establishing an accurate custom white balance ensures an accurate image from the start of each new photo session.
ColorChecker Mini Gray Balance Features and Benefits:
> Pocket size version of the middle gray reference square from the ColorChecker
> Provides a precise uniform surface that is spectrally neutral under all lighting conditions
> Ensures that the digital camera抯 raw image accurately portrays real life
Application: Achieve realistic color with accurate gray balance. Gives photographers a way to adjust the digital camera’s color sensitivity to exactly match ambient lighting conditions
Size: 4 x7 in.
Number of Colors: 1
Description of Colors: 18% Gray
Depending on use, it is recommended that you replace your ColorChecker chart every two years to ensure correct color identification.